The First Fear You'll Happily Abandon
Frequently Asked Fears
Some people think the reason they don't have a website is because they don't know how to make it.
But that is not the real reason...The real reason is fear... fear of the fear of being seen, the fear of being criticized, the fear of making a mistake, the fear of getting a bad grade...
Guess what? Those fears came from school. This is not school!
Your Website is an adult play space for your nonlinear creativity!
If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing. If you are alive, you can make a Website!
Making your Website is freedom to explore around inside of yourself and see what there is in there. No one can grade you about what is inside of you. This makes for High Level Fun indeed!
The world is waiting for you to show up as a global gameplayer, being nobody but yourself. You have so much to offer simply by being you. You are the only you there is on the planet.
How can other people learn from you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year from anywhere in the world?
How can they be inspired by what you are creating through the stand you have taken to be born as you?
How? From your website!
1What if I don't have a website?
No problemo!
You can Make Your Website yourself starting in a few minutes.
2But isn't having a website expensive?
Used to be...
Now you can make an elegant full-featured professional website yourself in a short time for absolutely free!
Yes. Really.
3Don't websites require difficult technical skills to build?
Used to be...
Now building a Website is point and click, hands on, do it yourself.
It is entirely amazing what you yourself can create online these days.
4But I don't know what to say! #%!!#
No problemo!
Start where you are.
Write whatever comes out now.
Check it tomorrow. Take some stuff away. Add new stuff. Change things around whenever you want.
You know what you like in other people's websites? You can make yours similar, or different.
No one is grading you.
This is not school!
The only thing you can do wrong is not make your Website!
How To Do It
You will have your own website in less than 15 minutes if you follow these simple steps.NOTE: These instructions apply to Other platforms require a slightly different procedure.STEP #1: REGISTER yourself
Go To On this page, enter your first name, your real Email address, and a Password. Remember your Password! When you click on the green 'GET STARTED' button, they send you a confirmation Email that you click on to begin your LOGIN.
NOTE: Last year they changed their name from to We don't know why. Use and everything works fine.
Go to the upper right-hand corner of the screen and click on the LOGIN button.
On the LOG IN page, type in your Email and Password in the appropriate boxes, then hit LOG IN.
NOTE: We DO NOT recommend that you LOG IN with Facebook or LinkedIn because, if you do so, you automatically give huge corporations access to your database of friends and contacts to send spam to. Not a good idea.
You are now logged into your new account.
By clicking on DASHBOARD they list all the Websites you have already made at If you don't have any yet, they will suggest that you 'Select a Template to get started!"
Page down and you can look at the 60 or more Template styles you can choose from. All of them work. Some of them have more features to choose from than others.
One of the styles I have used a lot is 'Hill Crest'. I will use that Template to introduce you to a couple of features you can choose from to set up the look and feel of your Website. Choose whichever Template you want.
This is the 'Hill Crest' Template as you first see it, with the background photo of the pool and house overlooking the city.
'Hill Crest' Template is now ready for customizing into your own Website.
To begin, click on the SETTINGS button in the upper left corner of the screen.
STEP #6: Enter Website Name
In the SETTINGS screen, click on the purple DOMAINS button.
In the center of the DOMAIN page you can find a box to type in your unique URL. It says:
followed by the green UPDATE button.
This WEBNAME space is originally filled in with numbers.
In that box you can delete the numbers and enter any WEBNAME you want. Then the URL for your Website will be:
REMEMBER: After you type in your preferred WEBNAME be sure to click the green UPDATE button or your changes will be lost.
If your preferred name is already taken, they will tell you and you will need to enter a different name.
Now click on the BASIC INFO button and type in your approved WEBNAME into the SITE TITLE box.
Next, click on the CATEGORY panel and choose the style of website you are making from the drop-down menu. I usually select EVENT/ CAMPAIGN.
Next (important), fill in the SITE DESCRIPTION. Search Engines will look at your SITE DESCRIPTION to find your Website on Google. The more clear and precise your Key Words are in your SITE DESCRIPTION, the easier your Website will be found when someone searches. Use the words anyone might search on to find what you are into.
Next, go to the SOCIAL SHARE IMAGE section, and click on the blue letters to UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE. Your IMAGE should be some kind of logo, 200x200 dots wide in .jpg format. Your FAVICOM (the image that shows up in the navigation bar when someone finds your Website) should be small: 16x16 dots in .png format. If making your SOCIAL SHARE IMAGES confuses you, ask some Millennial to help you do it. They can make these things in their sleep.
REMEMBER: SAVE YOUR WORK by clicking the green SAVE button BEFORE YOU LEAVE THIS PAGE or your changes will be lost.
In the upper left corner of the screen find and click on the BACK TO SITE DESIGN button.
This will close the SETTINGS windows and let you begin building the rest of your Website.
STEP #9: Click on 'BACKGROUND'
Click on the BACKGROUND button in the upper-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu gives you various options to choose from.
For example, if you click on UPLOAD IMAGE then you can use either MyStrikingly's free Library of background photos which are offered to you, or you can upload your own image from your own computer.
In this case, I previously purchased this image of two excited women staring at a computer screen for 2€ through my account at I downloaded the photo, edited it, and then uploaded it to be the background image for this 'Make Your Website' website.
After you set up your BACKGROUND as you want it, click the green SAVE button.
You can also replace the logo in the upper left corner with your logo, and change the page name in the box to your WEBNAME.
STEP #10: PUBLISH Your Website !
It is wise to get in the habit of every few minutes publishing your changes to save them.
Go to the lower left corner of your screen and click on the PUBLISH button.
The first time you publish a Website, a special window appears for you to confirm that you want your website PUBLISHED.
After that the PUBLISHING is simpler.
You have a Website! Time to celebrate.
STEP #11: Options
The Website builder platform is versatile and forgiving. Also, their online helpers are top class. (To get HELP just click on the circular purple (?) symbol in the lower right corner of your screen and some cheerful person will come chat with you in a couple minutes.
To add further sections to your Website, click on the green ADD NEW SECTION in the left menu at the bottom. A menu of different kinds of sections you can add opens up. Click on whatever you want to add in for photos, lists, documents, a store, contact info, etc.
You can reposition any section in your Website by click and dragging it up or down in the left column.
You can re-title each section to customize your MENU.
You can even change your MENU format, for example, from being at the top to being on the left side of your Website. To do this, click on the STYLES button in the upper left corner of the page.
Clicking on the STYLES button vanishes the left column to the left and a new menu appears. It shows:
CHANGE TEMPLATE > (Yes! You can switch to another template any time if you change your mind!)
Each of these buttons opens its own drop-down menu of new options.
To move your MENU from the top of your Website to the left side, click on the HEADERS & NAVIGATION button.
Clicking on HEADERS & NAVIGATION opens up a drop-down menu, where you can click on LAYOUT.A new menu opens up to the right showing 6 different options for HEADER & NAVIGATION layouts.The highlighted option is where your MENU currently is (TOP BAR).To move your MENU to the left side of your Website, click on LEFT SIDEBAR.STEP #14: PLAY TIME
Then your MENU will stay on the left side of your Website.Close the drop-down menu.Click on BACK TO SITE DESIGN, and keep playing around with your Website until it is safe enough to try and good enough for now.Almost any mistake you make can be undone by a click of the left-facing 'un-do-it' arrow at the top left corner of your screen.Don't you wish life was like this?Ooops! Life IS like this! Simply ask for a Do-Over! Then try again.What To Put In Your Website
These are the basics information needed for a website about your professional work
When people open your website, it needs to be clearly evident that this website is about you. Yes it is also about your work, and it is really about you delivering your work. People want to get to know you, in an intimate and professional way. They are checking out the resonance they have with you.
Your website needs to start by clearly stating your name on your website. Your name is the name that is in your passport.If you are still using the nickname from your childhood as your professional name, this is a sign that you have not grown up and out of your parent's bubble. It is obvious to the people visiting your website. If you have not exited your parent's bubble, how will you help them exit theirs?
If you are using a professional name that is different from the one in your passport, you live two (or more) lives, probably secret from each other. Why? What's the purpose? These are important golden keys for your next Emotional Healing Processes.PHOTOS: YOU & YOUR WORK
Your people: your clients and your potential clients need to see you. They need to see:
- close up photos of your face looking into the camera, so they can look into your eyes.
Your clients use your close up photos to scan you: can she or he help me? can she or he see me, hear me? can she or he inspire me? Their Box and Gremlin need an opportunity to scan for your Box and Gremlin to take the next step. Their Being needs to scan for your Being. Their Archetypal Lineage need to scan for your Archetypal Lineage.- 'work/action' photos of you, so they sense the space that you are holding
Your clients and potential client also need to see you in 'action' or 'at work'. They need to see you doing the work that you claim that you do. The photos of you in action are proof that you are not bullshitting them about your offers and services. This includes also group photos from your events.- 'life' photos of you, so they can experience extra-dimensions of your Being
In addition, you can adding 'life' photos which brings a human dimension to the 'work' photos. It is also a sign that your life and your work are not separate.
You might have heard 'Build it and they will come'.
You might not have heard 'Name it and it exists... if you can prove it!'.
Until you have a name for what you are, what you are does not exist. Until you have a name for what you are, you are missing the handle to open the door to what you are. It is, therefore, an alchemical act to give a name to what you are so that it can come into existence within the consciousness field of Earth.
What are might be:
- A Possibilitator
- A Possibility Coach
- A Possibility Meditator
- A Possibility Psychologist
- A New Refugee- A Rage Club Spaceholder
- An Edgeworker
- A Riftwalker
- A Journeyer
- An Evolutionary
- An Improvisor
- A Initiator
- A Healer
- A Seed
- A Possibility Management Trainer
- A Memetic Engineer
- An Abundance Midwife
#Warning 1 - What you are is not a fantasy world. If you claim that you are a soureceress, can you prove it? If you cannot prove at any time for no reason, it is a fantasy world.
Declaring a fantasy world on your website utterly undermines your credibility to deliver work for people that create real results, real change.Start where you are. What you are will evolve as you evolve.
If you hold space for Rage Club, then you are a Rage Club Spaceholder.
If you regularly hold space for Possibility Coaching, then you are a Possibility Coach.
If you hold space for Intimacy Café, then you are a Intimacy Journeyer.And so on...
#Warning 2 - Being 'a spaceholder' is not a powerful enough distinction to create a cavitation for your work to emerge as a unique service for your Circle. In some ways, everyone is a spaceholder for something: their house, their family, their bank account, ... What kind of spaceholder are you? What are you holding space for that has value in Next Culture?
You might be a spaceholder for the emergence of Extraordinary Relationship between the Masculine and the Feminine.
You might be a spaceholder for Children Next Culture.You might be a spaceholder for Men to Exit Patriarchy.
Again, can you prove it? What evidence do you have to show your circle that you are such spaceholder?
What you take a stand for can be found under the page/section 'About' of your website.
This can be a weaving of a part of your journey that have made you what you are now, and being what you are, what you are a representation of in the world. What do people meet when they meet you? What worldview? What context? What possibility?
Which context(s) does your work emerge out of? What tools are you using? Where did you learn them from? How long have you been practicing them?
Context such as:
Non Violent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg
Permaculture from Geoff Lawton
Community Building
Gesthalt Therapy
Improvisational Theater from John Keith
Radical Honesty from Brad Blanton
If you declare using the context of Possibility Management, and include a live link in your website to the, you are a Possibility Manager and your website can be listed at the Possibility Managers website. Contact Clinton Callahan to ask him to list you with your website on the Possibility Managers website.
Your services that you provide are clearly states with all the necessary information to have access to those services:
- Duration
- Cost
- How to reach you
- In addition, you can include links to previously provided services (videos of interview or Emotional Healing Process) or Interviews
List your services such as:
- Your Possibility Team
- Study Group
- Possibility Coaching
- Emotional Healing Process Spaceholder
- Couple Coaching
- Business Coaching
- Community Coaching
- Speaker
- Author
- Etc...
List your upcoming events with all information necessary for your clients to register:
- Date - Time
- Online - Offline: address
- Cost, and how to pay
- Contact information with whom to register
- Regularity (if applicable)
- Requirements
List your upcoming:
- Introduction To Rage Club,
- Rage Club, Fear Club, Gremlin Club
- Work-Talk, Workshops
- Expand The Box (as Trainer or organizer)
- Possibility Lab (as Trainer or organizer)
- Etc...
In my experience, edgeworkers and bridges to Next Culture are always working on a number of projects simulteanously. You are a creator. Well show it!
In addition, Next Culture projects cannot be created alone. By promoting your projects, you also put the call out for your next needed collaborators.List your projects.
Are you in a 3Cell? What gameworld are you building? What podcast? Short videos? Interview? Community?
What are you creating?
What are the projects you are holding space for and creating with a Team of empowered collaborators?
Who are your collaborators?
How can your clients or website visitors collaborate with you?
Your newsletter is your main tool to feed your circle of clients each month. In your newsletter, you send your latest article, or videos, your events, your services, in addition to a distinction that is alive in you now or a recent discovery.
In your newsletter, there should be a link back to your website.
In your website, there should be a clear visible link to register to your newsletter. Or even a pop-up window that opens when people visit your website for the first time.CONTENT: YOUR ARTICLES/VIDEOS/INTERVIEWS
Each article, video, interview, short video that you create, publish, and link back to your website is a seed for your people to find you. They can then subscribe to your newsletter, receive 5-body food from you regularly and register to your events.
These contents belong on your website so that the people who visit your website have access to monetary 'free' food from you.
It is also a door into the substance of your work.CONTACT
Have a clear, easy, simple Contact Section where people can write to you or call you if they need anything from you.
The default word on a button is usually 'submit'. In terms of taking a stand for a Culture that requires every individual to have their own found Authority, asking them to submit themselve to you would be in contradiction with what you stand for. These are details, and as the saying goes (and as lawyers say...) "The Devil is in the details!"
Be creative! Instead invite your client to:
'Rise a Knight!''Ready to Soar?'
What did you think? That this was only theoretical? No way!
Create a 'Make Your Website' 3Cell.
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.01
If you do not have a website, it is because your Box does not allow you to have a website in the shape that it is right now. To do things that are outside of your Box capacity, you need people who can offer you possibility outside of your Box: this is your 3Cell. It is much easier to find possibility for others to build their websites!
Invite two people who are also building their website to create a 'Make Your Website' 3Cell. Meet EVERY week until ALL of you have build your website, published it and share the news publicly that your new website is up.
During these meetings, use the experiments below to complete your mission. If needed, make pirate agreements.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.01 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Get Interviewed About Your Website
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.02
In your 'Make Your Website' 3-Cell or ask someone from your Possibility Team or Possibilitator Training to meet you for 20-30 minutes for them to interview you about you.
Make sure that when you meet you have means to record the meeting.
Have your Beep! Book and pen with you.
Before the meeting, write down a list of question that you want your interviewer to ask you such as:
- What are you unfolding in the world? What take are you taking? For whom? Why is that important?
- What are you? What are you holding space for? What quality does your spaceholding have?
- What is your context? From which contexts do you unfold your work?
- What photos do you have from yourself?
You start speaking. Answer the questions. Let yourself be seen and discovered.
Right after, transcribe your interview into written notes. From there you have a basis of text to import into your empty website.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.02 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Go Through 10 Emotional Healing Process About Making Your Website
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.03
The reason behind you not having a live personal website about your professional work is because you have a number of Emotional blocks that prevent you from creating your website.
There are no ways around Emotional Reaction but to go through the Emotional Healing Process.
This experiment is to go through 10 Emotional Healing Processes about why you do not have a live website. These EHP will be about your fears of being visible, fears of being judged, your commitment to never deliver your work again, the revenge that you are taking on your parents by being a failure, your expectations that you will always fail so there is no point in trying, etc....
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.03 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 10 Matrix Points.
Make Your Personal Website
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.04
Whether this is your first website, or your hundred and first website, if you make your personal website, you get 3 Matrix Points. You can accumulate your Matrix Points at
NOTE: If any of your Websites announce that one of your context sources is Possibility Management, and you have an active link back to, then please tell us (clinton at nextculture dot org) and we would be honored to show your website at!
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.04 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Make Your Gameworld Website
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.05
You don't change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by building new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevant.
This Experiment starts when you go do deep anger work.
Rage Club is excellent for doing deep anger work.
So is 3.3.3. Exercise.
Possibility Team is another safe place for clear, transformative rage.
The point is, the things on Earth that you are angry about not finding them how they should be, are the things you came here to build.
Without thinking about it, make a website NOW about how you want things to be. It does not take very long to start this. Start it and it is halfway done.
Your new website is the beginning of a gameworld that creates things the way you want them to be, the way it would seem right to you to have them.
The job you see to do is your job. Build the website of the gameworld that makes things right in your mind. Eventually you can add a Codex and Rules Of Engagement, and show how your gameworld networks into other gameworlds, including the gameworlds of Possibility Management.
When your website is up, you have planted a flag in the Earth about what is possible. You have taken a stand about what matters to you, at least enough of a stand to build the website.
This totem is then something that other people can see, and feel, and imagine, and gather around. They can begin to taste how it could be because you showed them. Your vision provides enough energy to breathe things to life in someone else's world, perhaps someone you don't even know yet.
Make your website one that you would want to find already made, a website that offers invitations that you would feel joyful to accept. Invite people into your gameworld where they get to do things that make their life meaningful.
Thank you for doing this Experiment.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.05 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Navigate Space for Someone Else To Make Their Website
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.06
Our lives are full and busy.
Trying new things takes energy and time.
Significant amounts of fear were instilled into us during school, fear of being criticized, embarrassed, judged, ridiculed, blamed, made fun of... so many ways to look bad.
The typical strategy is: If I don't try anything new I cannot make a mistake.
Think how much life this cuts us off from. Too much. So much potential, connection, and creation power is lost to these fears.
What if you take a stand to hold a safe space for someone you know (or even someone you don't know so well) to step forward and express their inner world, their delight, their longings, their full creative potential? Would you do that? Would you have wished that someone would do that for you?
This is about 'paying it forward'. That means you invest in the future of someone so they invest in the future of someone else. Imagine the ripple effect!
This Experiment is to enthusiastically support someone else to make their own Personal or Gameworld Website. Stick with them until they catch fire and take over exploring what else they can share or give to others on their new Website.
After you completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.06 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.07
Maybe it was in school, maybe at home, but at some point in your life, you were taught that to survive you must become invisible. This old decision has been the driver of your life, making it impossible for you to be as big as you really are.
Your Being has something to offer to the world. Your Box has beliefs and limitations. Your Being longs to be seen and to deliver its nonmaterial value to the world.
This is an experiment in Conscious Fear. You will use your fear to navigate to the edge of your Box so that you (and your website) can become more visible.
First, you call up your local printer. You order 300 small cards to be printed. These cards will have you name, the name of your Archetypal Lineage, and your website URL--nothing else. Once these cards are printed, carry them everywhere you go. Leave them at cafes, at dentist offices, at airports. Give them to the people you meet and ask for feedback on your website.
After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.07 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.08
You've done the EHPs, you've Hit Bottom, and now you have a website. Yay!
Show the website to a member of your team or 3Cell to give you feedback on what you could do differently. Using this feedback, make a completely new website from scratch. Show this new website to another member of your team, get their feedback, and make another website from scratch. Keep doing this process until you have created five different, from-scratch websites.
The purpose of this is to explore the identifications you have and how you present yourself to the world.. There are infinite stories you could create about yourself and your Being--which are the ones you default to? Which stories about your Being are you not telling?
After you complete this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.08 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.09
When you were young, you made a decision. You probably made many decisions, but this one in particular was about how big you could dare let yourself be. This decision spawned story worlds and fantasy worlds that you’ve been living in your whole life, bolstered by beliefs and convictions about who you are that have hardened like cement on a hot day.
This experiment is about hitting bottom. It is about navigating through the story worlds and fantasy worlds back to reality. Reality is that your Being has something it is longing to bring to the world. How far are you from reality? How visible does your Being long to really be?
This is not an experiment to do alone. Call up your 3Cell. Carefully read the Hitting Bottom website together and Go!
After you complete this experiment, please enter Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.09 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code MAKEYOUR.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!